Includes a variety of spices and herbs grown across the Indian
subcontinent. Contrary to
popular opinion, curry is
not actually a spice, but is
a term which refers to any
dish in Indian cuisine with
a gravy base.
Click on any commodity
for more details
Indian spices are often
heated in a pan with cooking
oil or ghee to intensify
their flavor before adding
them with other ingredients
to the dish being cooke :
India produces a wide range
of spices. At present,
production is around 3.2 million tonnes of different spices
valued at approximately 4
billion US $, and holds a
prominent position in world
spice production. Because of the
varying climates - from tropical
to sub-tropical to
temperate-almost all spices grow
splendidly in India. In reality
almost all the states and union
territories of India grow one or
the other spices. Under the act
of Parliment, a total of 52
spices are brought under the
purview of Spices Board. However
109 spices are notified in the
ISO list.
We offer the finest
varieties of As popular Indian
cuisine is increasingly becoming
the rage of overseas palates,
New INDIAN Masala is now
available in countries as far
flung as the UK, USA, Middle
East, Australia, Canada and
South East Asia.
Note:- Click on Any
Spices for more details and