Iranian Oranges
are oval to
fruits with
leathery, porous
skin. Their
color ranges
from orange to
Oranges may be
confused with
other citrus
fruits, such as
grapefruits and
grapefruits are
usually much
larger and more
yellow than
oranges, and
tangerines have
a more flattened
sphere shape
than oranges.
Oranges are green before
they ripen.
Oranges grow on evergreen trees
that reach a mature size of 3
meter high and 2 meter wide. The
branches of many orange trees
are thorny.
Orange leaves are shiny and
leathery and 7.5 to 10metere
They have narrow wings
on their petioles.
Orange Flower:
Orange flowers are white
in color and very
fragrant. The flower
blooms in the spring,
but the fruit is not
ready until the
following fall or
winter. In fact, the new
flowers are blooming in
the spring while the
previous year's oranges
are still on the tree.
The orange blossom is
the Caspian sea flower
of Mazendaran province.
Oranges are oval to
sphere-shaped fruits
with leathery, porous
skin. Their color ranges
from orange to
red-orange. Oranges may
be confused with other
citrus fruits, such as
grapefruits and
tangerines. However,
grapefruits are usually
much larger and more
yellow than oranges, and
tangerines have a more
flattened sphere shape
than oranges.
and sporadic.
Orange fruitborer causes damage
to feijoa. The larvae chew and
burrow into the fruit generally
just below the skin and often
near the calyx. Young and mature
fruit can be attacked. Larvae
roll flower buds and young
leaves together to form feeding
shelters. Larvae bore into
maturing and ripe fruit causing
it to fall and decay, sometimes
they destroy new young fruit in
spring. Young larvae may
penetrate fruit just before
harvest, and if undetected
during packing, may cause the
fruit to decay during marketing.
Bitter orange is antiseptic,
anti-oxidant, antispasmodic,
aromatic, astringent,
carminative, digestive,
sedative, stimulant, stomachic
and tonic. It is rich in Vitamin
C, flavonoids and volatile oil.
It is appetite suppressant,
metabolism and energy booster.
Tea prepared from fruit is used
to relive headache. Fruit is
used in constipation, dyspepsia
and indigestion. Fruit peel
powder is used in face pack
against sunstroke and skin
blemishes. It is also used to
dissolve kidney stones. It
purifies blood and improves
immunity. The seed and the
pericarp are used in the
treatment of anorexia, chest
pains, colds, coughs etc.
"Bitter orange oil", expressed
from the peel, is in demand for
flavoring candy, ice cream,
baked goods, gelatins and
puddings, chewing gum, soft
drinks, liqueurs and
pharmaceutical products.
Orange Juice :
love orange juice, but only when
it's still in the orange. I
don't like to drink it in a cup
because it feels like there is
things floating around in it.
Dadda says it's little pieces of
orange called pope, so that
means pope is just orange guts!
Why do they make orange juice
with pope?
My favorite cereal is Fruity
Dino Bites. But I don't have any
of those right now. Right now
I'm eating Mickey Mouse
Clubhouse cereal. I tried a cup
of orange juice but I forgot
about the pope and it tasted
gross to me.